Monday, November 30, 2009

T.s. Ellot is confusing!!!

The love song of J. ALfred prufrock is such a interesting confusing story. I really never understand a hundred percent of what the story is about. The main idea seems to be that there is this guy who wants to talk to a girl but he is to shy to confront her. I believe that Prufrock does not have confidence in himself and talks bad about him self in order to persuade himself to not try to talk to the girl. .During the story he complains about how hes losing hair and how people might talk about his arms and legs looking very thin. He does not even give himself a chance to talk to this girl he wants. Another example is when he says " To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?". He gives up before even saying a word to her. Overall the story was enjoyable just wished he would have had the guts to talked to the girl.

1 comment:

  1. Out of all the poems we read in class this one was definitely the most confusing. After reading it over and over again I still don't know what it really means and just as you think you know what it means the next line completely goes against what you were thinking. This poem is a perfect example of why I don't like poems.
